Monday, February 20, 2012

Money datatype- simple question!

Hi there!
In SQL server 2000, how do you change the number of decimal digits of money datatype field? By default it is 4 digits. I want to have only 2 digits after decimal point. Please help me!Instead of using money, you can use decimal with a scale of 2 or cast the money type to decimal with a scale of 2.|||Hi there!
Thanks for your reply. Now that I have changed the money datatype to decimal.

But the following line of code gives an 'Type Mismatch' error.

Dim Amt
Amt=rs("Rate")+rs("Interest") 'error in this line
Response.write Amt

'Rate' and 'Interest' are fields of decimal datatype.
rs - is a ADO recordset.
Can you tell me why? I have tried with 'Numeric' datatype also, and got the same error.|||Since your using VB, why not leave it as money and then use the FORMAT function?

MyValue = Format(DBValue,"###,###.##")


In SQL Server you could use the CAST function on the MONEY field

try this

declare @.amt money

set @.amt = 0.2
select CAST(@.amt AS VARCHAR)|||It looks like you are doing asp with vbscript - it that correct ? I have tested it and it works fine. Do you have vb - if so test it with vb. How are you connecting to the database - post your code leading up to the recordset. Which version of sql server are you using - which version of ado/asp are you using ? Can you just set one of the field values equal to amount ?|||Hi rnealejr,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, you are right, I am using ASP with VBscript.

Version: SQL server 2000 & ASP3.0[IIS5.0].

Connection String: "Provider=SQLOLEDB;User ID=sa;password=xxx;Initial Catalog=myDb;Data Source=(local);"

set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql="Select * from myTable" sql,con
if not rs.EOF then
Amt=rs("Rate")+rs("Interest") 'error in this line
end if

Can you just set one of the field values equal to amount ?
What do you mean by this? I didn't get you.

More Info: I am looking for a solution that is related with SQL server, rather than ASP. [because if the solution is ASP related, then I may have to change a lot of forms - around 150]

Please help me|||I will look into your code. Can you do the following:

Amt = rs("Rate")


Amt = rs("Interest")|||Hi,
Thanks again for your reply!
When I used Amt = rs("Rate"), it assigns the value.

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